In an effort to encourage the use of credit cards for purchases, card issuing companies offer various rewards programs that give card holders some perks and incentives as they use their charge cards more often. The rewards programs vary. There is one for the frequent flier, the shopper, the diner, hotel user, etc. If you are a frequent flier then the travel rewards credit card would probably suit you well.
Like the other card types under the rewards program, the travel rewards card recognizes purchases as eligible for the reward points. And when it comes to rewards, there are more things you need to learn other than the points and purchases. Below is a list of the things you have to pay attention to when you are considering a travel rewards card.
1. Credit Assignment Schedule. For most credit cards, you can get 1 mile reward point for every dollar you spend. This allocation will depend on the card's annual fee. In general, you get more benefits with platinum, gold, diamond type of cards but do consider if they are indeed useful for you. Other credit cards offer other ways so you can accumulate reward points. Some of them make you eligible for 10 miles reward points if you spend dollars in a specific restaurant they have partnered with. Moreover, a lot of the cards reward holders with a one time bonus. Some reward points for holders simply by signing up and the points can reach up to 4000 to 15000 miles. Aside from signing up, you can also get rewarded for referring your friends and family.
2. Credit Expiration Schedule. Most airlines allow three years grace period after any points was earned using your Travel Rewards card. So as long as you sue your card every three years for valid reward point transactions, your mileage will not expire. Some cards though have the points expire after a year they are earned.
Read the Full Article: Fly High With Travel Rewards Credit Card
Friday, February 25, 2011
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